Duena Gale

(Athletics (Track & Field))

"If you can believe it, the mind can achieve it"

Duena Gale

Contact Duena Gale

Birthday:28th June
Birth Place:Perth, Australia
Height & Weight:170cm
High School:Lesmurdie Senior High School
Occupation:University Student
Sporting Field:Athletics (Track & Field)
Career Highlights:Represented WA in the 400m in Kuala Lumper (2014) & Singapore (2015) and at nationals, in the multi's event in Adelaide (2015).
Favourite Movies:Race, The Rocky Movies
Favourite Food:All Pasta
Favourite Drink:Lemon Lime & Bitters
Favourite Holiday Destination:Exmouth, WA
Favourite Music:Taylor Swift, I love all music!
Hobbies:Music, Food, Sewing, Sport, Camping and Travelling
Childhood Sporting Hero:Cathy Freeman
Current Sporting Hero:Cathy Freeman, Allyson Felix and Usain Bolt
Biggest Influence:Mt parents, my partner, and my friends
Personal Ambition(s):To keep happy, healthy and be the best person I can be
Other Sports:Athletics & soccer